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1-2-1 Career Coaching

You are in control of your own destiny, we support you to make that journey easier

Creating a safe, positive and supportive environment, we will work with you to help you to

Find your Purpose

Identify what you dream of accomplishing

Move forward unlock doors to realise your full potential 

Get that new job / salary increase

We will help you identify and work through any potential self-limiting beliefs and tackle the inner imposter syndrome that can hold you back in reaching your career or personal goals. 
Enjoying the Nature


I recently had a coaching session with Emma Jane as I wish to further my career. She gives you a great confidence in your ability to further yourself and turns any negative thoughts you have about your ability into positive ones. Everything is safe and in confidence so you can really open up to her about your feelings and where you want to go and what you’d like to achieve. If you are feeling stuck or torn I would definitely recommend Emma Jane as a professional coach.

Sinéad Meade

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